Sunday, August 2, 2009

Anyone had a c section due to narrow pelvis?

My doctor told me today there is an 80% chance that I will have a c section because my pelvis is very narrow and the baby's size is bigger than it is supposed to be. She does not like to go for c section right away till it's her last resort so she said she will let me try to deliver naturally first and if it doesn't work she will perform a c section. I'm not really scared of a c section, I think it will be easier for me anyway, but I'd like to know if anyone has been told the same thing and how did it turn out? Did you end up with a c section or did u give birth naturally? I dunno but I have a feeling that n my case a c section will be safer for the baby.

Anyone had a c section due to narrow pelvis?
i did!! i tried pushing for two hours but she just would not crown, or come down anymore, so they did a c section and she was 8 and half pounds, so i the doctor said my pelvis must have not been big enough for her to go through. Look i Csections sounds scary but it's not that bad, if it's what you got to do, then just relax and you will be OK, they pain is managable and you will be feel better after a week or so. You don't wanna force the baby to come out with forceps and end up tearing up your vagina and brusing the baby' s head, so do what is safest for the baby when the time comes
Reply:Your doctor is correct.
Reply:I had a narrow pelvic. And when I gave birth with my first he cracked my inner pelvic bone. And yes it hurt.

And they should of done the C-section. But I had a doctor not know me that well in with me. My first doctor was very mad they did not contact her.

Long story short. Have a exam on your next appt. have them rate you on your spread. if you have not had any more softening. ask about going for the C-section. Cracking your pelvic sucks. i am now 40 and have pain in that spot when it rains.

I feel like one of those old ladies that says oh Margret it is going to rain i can feel it in my knees.!,

I had my other two vaginal and it was much easier and I had healed up well from my first son.
Reply:Unless you have previously fractured your pelvis or had the disease Rickets your pelvis is fine!

I had a c-section and found out afterwards in my operative report that they said it was due to CPD, cephalopelvic disproportion, aka the baby is to big and my pelvis is no good. I did some research and found out that true CPD is rare and only caused by the 2 reasons I listed above, fracture or disease!

OB's are pushing c-sections because they are easier to schedule and the hospital makes more money from them. You don't have to take my word for it either here is some info that you might be suprised to know:

Other books to check out would be:

The Thinking Woman's Guide to a Better Birth by Henci Goer

%26amp; or Obstetric Myth Versus Research Reality by Henci Goer

Either way do NOT let your provider/doctor scare you into unnecessary surgery.

I am planning a homebirth (after cesarean) this time around, and both my midwife and new OB are supportive of a vaginal delivery despite the original diagnosis of CPD...[Boy I can't wait to show everyone that my first doctor didn't know what she was talking about.]

IT IS A MYTH THAT C-SECTIONS ARE EASIER...maybe the delivery part but recovery is way worse than labor!!! I was laid up for weeks afterward...and I wasn't allowed to pick up my baby he had to be handed to me. My husband couldn't stay with me at night and I was in the hospital for 4 days. Since my husband couldn't stay the baby had to saty in the nursury, since I couldn't pick him up! I wasn't allowed to eat for 4 days. And I wasn't the first one to hold him after he was born, infact I passed out just after birth. He was 2 hours old when I saw him.

The Dr. is just being a bully! If you don't believe me, Check out ICAN: International Cesarean Awareness Network, and their online group through Yahoo! So many people are misled and they think the doctor must know everything,,, Get several opinions from all sides! I urge you.

Also being on your back actually narrows your pelvic opening. By a lot actually... But that is the way dr.'s do it, because it is easier for them...I am not making this stuff up...I swear.

"Lying on your back collapses your pelvis, distorting its natural opening and decreases the diameter by as much as an inch." Birthin From Within by Pam England and Rob Horowitz...

When you consider that an inch is almost 2 cm, that is alot!!!
Reply:That happened to my mom when she was pregnant with me. Her pelvis was too narrow and I was too big for a natural birth, so they went ahead and delivered by C-section.

Best wishes with the remainder of your pregnancy and delivery!

Take care :)
Reply:Yes, but that was 29 years ago. I had 15 hours of labor and never dilated past 1. He went into distress and they quickly did a c section. He now has a degree in marketing from Penn State and doing great in his career. I love that c section scar!!
Reply:My sister inlaw has a small pelvis and she was induced 2 weeks early so the baby didnt get to big . she gave birth by vagina to a healthy 8pound 2 baby girl no problems . I would look into being induced early to try to prevent a c section

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