Friday, May 21, 2010

C++ programming help please!!!!!?

Ok... I want to learn to program with c++ for the sole perpose of making games. I bought three books: Beginning c++ through game programming 2nd edition, C++ for dummies, and Programming RPG's with directx. I want to know if these books will teach me the necessity to make full functional games with graphics. Things im afraid of(yes I know this post sounds OCD):1. Finishing the books and knowing them well, but having no clue of how to put directx and c++ together. 2. Never finding out out to make load and save features causing me to never be able to make RPG's (yeah i want to make a lot of RPG's). I just want to know if reading these books will provide me with the things I need to know to make a game with graphics. Also advice and suggestions would be helpful (I really dont want to have to buy more by the way). Sorry if i'm getting way too ahead of myself, but I REALLY want to make games. Please post and Thanks.

C++ programming help please!!!!!?
You want to read 3 books and start programming RPGs. Damn it! These questions get funnier and funnier with every day!

But on a nicer note - get to know C++. Try making some console games like tic-tac-toe. Read books on OO design, Design Patterns. Then read books on Windows API programming. Get to know it very good. Then start reading DirectX books and create some simple GUI games, like snake, tetris. Keep increasing level of difficulty and maybe in 4-5 years you will be able to create a simple, crappy RPG. Good luck.

PS: Yes, you can make games like tetris after learning simple 2D facilities of Windows API. After all, it's just bunch of little squares moving. Hardest part is creating the logic behind how those squares move and react to user input.
Reply:ROFL Michael J, so true. I've spent one year in college so far learning how to program, as well as 5 years of prior self teaching myself python, css, html and xml through books, and i look forward to the next 4 to 6 years of being a computer science major just to call myself a computer programmer. why would i spend nearly $150,000 when I could have just bought three books (I already have C++ for dummies and 4 other books on c++). i answered this same question and he chose me as best answer by the way...

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