Friday, May 21, 2010

C++ try catch question?

hello i hardly ever do c++ any more but i answerd a question earlia and been mucking around since then

i got a problem im use to c# and to handle errors its simple

try{whatever and if theres a error it will automaticly go


catch{over here}

however c++ not quite same i seem to have to decalare somthing in the catch and use a throw for some reason my point is i got this code (simplified for example)


int x = Convert::ToInt32(this-%26gt;textBox1-%26gt;Text);

int y=Convert::ToInt32(this-%26gt;textBox2-%26gt;Text)...

System::Windows::Forms::MessageBox::Show... =s " + Convert::ToString(x+y),"mkb answer",MessageBoxButtons::OK,MessageBox...



how can i make it so if theres a error such as some entering a a at the end of a int so theres a add error it just automaticly states in a message box or label error sort thing i know the code for catch like System::windows::forms::messagebox etc just dont seem to work the way im use to doing it in c#

C++ try catch question?
use throw.

assign a character variable.

put input from the textbox into the variable.

check if its number or character

then use throw if character else preceed with that.

for eg.

throw (a)

where a is the character

catch (char a)

parts of a flower

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