Thursday, July 30, 2009

How to format C to reinstall xp?

xp installed on my system. I want to format C and reinstall xp. i have bootable disk and also bootable xp cd. if i choose first boot divice dc rom then it starts setup directly when i try to format c then it says that some system files are copied on drive which are necssary to compleate setup thats why C cannot be formated. If i boot from flopy then it starts and go to command prompt. There i am giving command format c: then computer answer me bad command. when i try to go c,d or e drive again bad command appears. I have 3 partations on my hard disk. I made bootable flopy by using xp utility and there are 14 fils on flopy. can any one tell me how to format this ******* c. I m trying since morning still not sucseeded.

How to format C to reinstall xp?
Easy use Killdisk wipe just the C partition. Then let Windows setup format it in NTFS and prceed with Install.see sources
Reply:run fdisk from command prompt, then delete all partitions and create a new one that takes up the entire drive space.

then you can format the drive

then you can reinstall
Reply:Insert the Windows XP disk, go through the installatation process, delete current partition, and format as FAT or NFTS, whichever u choose
Reply:You don't need to format, but re-partition. If you can't repartition (haven't backed up the files in the other 2 partitions), then you're pretty much pooched. The way XP installs is to partition, then format the partition. If you skip these steps, the install usually screws up and makes people angry. Blame the engineers. I've been thru the same scenario, and what i did was clear off the disk, re-make the partitions and start from beginning.
Reply:you have to run fdisk from command prompt, then delete all partitions and create a new one that takes up the entire drive space.

then you can format the drive

then you can reinstall

Hey! Don't get pissy with people who are trying to help you. If you don't like our answers take it to a qualified professional to fix the problem.
Reply:You can also start the install procedure. It will ask you during install where to install and you can delete/format partitions.
Reply:I have done this before, put the disk in, restart. let it run from cd. it will copy files to the computer. then it will ask you to press f 8 to agree, then it will ask you if you want to partion. at the bottom of the screen there should be 2 letters. one yes to delete, and the other one is to make the partion. type the letter for delete. the press enter, then it should format. I have done this about 5 may not be the way I said it

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