Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Apts' A/C stops cooling when hot outside?

This is the second summer out a/c has stopped working when the temp outside starts rising into the 90's. We live in S.TX %26amp; it's already over 90* during the day. Our A/C stops cooling-it's on auto %26amp; set at 77*, but will stay around 79-80* during the day. It'll keep running %26amp; just blow air. Not hot or cold air but the same temp as it already is inside.

Our landlord sucks and never follows through when we tell him about a problem. He's taken over a couple wks to get the A/C guy over here! He finally did today when we weren't home and just said that our filter needed changing. But he was wrong b/c that's NOT the problem! We replace the filter every month %26amp; he just took it out and didn't put a new one in and the a/c is still working the same way-not cooling until the air outside starts to cool during the night. I tried telling him we may need the unit replaced but how can we tell what's wrong with it ourselves since the a/c guy didn't do jack?

Apts' A/C stops cooling when hot outside?
You can find a step by step troubleshooting guide at http://www.hvac-for-beginners.com . There are too many possibilities to go through them here.
Reply:Sounds like your compressor is going off on its internal overload, most likely due to low refrigerant or a very dirty outside(condenser) coil.

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